星期六, 6月 26, 2010

Toy Story@時代

今日同左屋企人去左銅鑼灣飲茶, 可惜滂沱大雨....下半身淋到濕曬......飲完茶之後去左時代, 想影下Toy Story, 但好多人, 所以是但影左幾張........

星期六, 6月 19, 2010

With Karen & Ching Ching@太古城

今日Karen個工人補假, 所以佢約左我係太古城食晏!!順便帶Ching Ching出黎行下街街!!!




Karen媽媽& Sexy Ching Ching.....

星期日, 6月 13, 2010

Ten questions that god will not ask us....

1. God will not ask us what is our occupation because honest work makes no distinction between a high or low position. God will only ask if we have faithfully performed our duty.

2. God will not ask us what is our status of title. God will only ask whether in our work we have done anything truly meaningful.

3. God will not ask us our income, our riches or our assets. God will only ask whether in making money, we have done anything that betrays our faith, our conscience or our principles.

4. God will not ask how big is our house. God will only ask how we treat our family.

5. God will not ask what expensive cars, watches or jewelry we possess. God will only ask whether we have peace and joy.

6. God will not ask about our illustrious successes or grand achievements. God will only ask whether we are grateful for our blessings and thankful for His grace.

7.. God will not ask us about our knowledge and ability. God will only ask whether we make worthy us of these gifts.

8. God will not ask how many friends we have or whom we know. God will only ask how we help them when they are in need.

9. God will not ask if we are handsome or beautiful. God will only ask if we have truth, virtue and beauty in our hearts.

10. God will not ask us how long we have been a Christian. God will only ask us how many people we have converted to follow Him by our testimony.

星期六, 6月 12, 2010

Sex And The City 2

今日同林Dee去左睇Sex And The City 2....對於餓左好耐既Sex And The City's fans黎講緊係正啦!!!雖然今次劇情欠奉, 但係依然靚人, 靚衫, 靚景....棉花糖依然睇得津津樂道.....

never ending story..................

星期六, 6月 05, 2010

Happy Birthday to MaMa



